Fermented Skate Liver Oil from Green Pasture is the only fermented skate liver oil in the world.
Fermented Skate Liver oil is very similar with Fermented Cod Liver Oil. These two oils offer the same nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E, K and full range of Omega 3, 6,7 and 9 fatty acids, in a similar nutritional balance. In addition to this, Fermented Skate Liver Oil contains some unique compounds such as chondroitin, squalene and alkoxglycerols.
Fermented Skate Liver Oil is produced though a non- heating lacto fermentation process. Due to this process that can last up to 6 months, the absorption is increased and the nutrients are concentrated and become easy to assimilate. Because the filtering process uses no heat all the natural enzymes and vitamins are preserved.